ADCMS: OMG! Hilarious Sweetie!!!
And everyone, I'm laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.
we asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week...... we remember the last time they did this.
got everyone all excited thinking the big "a" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.. .
ADCMS: OMG! Hilarious Sweetie!!!
And everyone, I'm laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.
we asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week...... we remember the last time they did this.
got everyone all excited thinking the big "a" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.. .
FrazzledUBM: We are in New Mexico, U.S.A
we asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week...... we remember the last time they did this.
got everyone all excited thinking the big "a" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.. .
some good ones. as soon as our contact finds out, we'll post it.
we asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week...... we remember the last time they did this.
got everyone all excited thinking the big "a" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.. .
We have heard that it was announced this past Sunday that everyone needs to be at the meeting this week for a letter to be read. Has anyone else heard this? Or have any ideas about what it is about?
We asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week.....
We remember the last time they did this. Got everyone all excited thinking the Big "A" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.
hello friends, .
i would like some advice from those that are inpartial, and are familiar with the teachings of jw.
i studied with a wonderful jw couple weekly for 3 years.
HI Impala, WELCOME! Mike & I were raised JW's and year before last, we discovered that we had been lied to our entire lives. It was very traumatic for us. So we started asking an elder in our cong. some innocent questions and because of that and showing Mike's Non-JW brother some subliminal images in the WT literature, then Mike's brother showing their mom, we were immediately turned in to the Elders as 'Apostates' and disfellowshipped. Our JW family refuses to talk to us, has called all of our friends and family telling them we are apostates.
Here are a few things that come from the 'Bible Teach' book.
Something that seems to be working quite well with studies in that book is in Chap 8, when they start explaining the 144,000..... We use Rev 7:4-8 -JW's believe that these 12 tribes listed here are the 'SYMBOLIC or figurative Spiritual Jews [144,000] So then we ask them, "If these 12 tribes are supposed to be symbolic then how can you get a literal number of 144,000 out of it?" They can try to explain, but they cannot.
Another one, on page 183 pp 24:
"Remember, too, that you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organization. Your dedication and baptism are the beginning of a very close friendship with God—an intimate relationship with him."
But yet the 2nd question they ask you right before you go to be baptized is this:
"Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?"
Here is another one from that book [ page 59 picture] They had to change that picture:
Can you find the "Smokeless candle?{ }
Sequel to Evie's 'Smokeless Candle' video []
Hope this helps....we also have a Youtube channel that has quite a bit of info on JW's:
after all, the college restrictions are only for the rank and file...right?
community service.
the department's staff provided services to the community in diverse ways during the year under review.
Thank you Atlantis and everyone for this info....I see another 'Money scam' video in our future.
governing body being accused of covering it up!.
I have heard thru the grapevine that several ex-JW's will be attending the court hearing to support the victims and that this may be bigger than the news is reporting but our firends are unable to give us details because it might jeopardize the case.
...this week's happy hour entertainment:.
We live on the other side of the mountain...we do get into ABQ occasionaly since our daughter lives there. Yes, I sent you a PM.
governing body being accused of covering it up!.
Governing Body being accused of covering it up!
we thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by watchtower thru the history.
this one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!.
Thank you everyone. It's going to be difficult topping this one....oh yeah wait, their 'masturbation' video is a modern day example of their idiocy!!!